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Apakah Perbedaan Main Verbs, Auxiliary Verbs (Helping Verbs) dan Compound Verbs???

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Kalimat bahasa Inggris dapat memiliki kata kerja utama (main verbs), kata kerja bantu atau juga disebut kata kerja membantu (auxiliary verbs) dan kata kerja majemuk (compound verbs).


Auxiliary Verbs

(juga disebut "helping verbs")

Auxiliary verbs adalah kata kerja yang digunakan bersama dengan kata kerja lain (disebut kata kerja utama dari kalimat) untuk mengekspresikan tindakan atau keadaan.

Main verb + auxiliary verb = complete idea

Auxiliary verbs yang paling umum adalah:

be, am, is, are, was, were, do, did, have, has, had.

For example: Are singing
Illustration: Realy Learn English
Kata kerja utama (main verb) adalah "singing".
Kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verb) adalah "are".

Contoh kalimat (auxiliary verb dicetak tebal, dan main verb digarisbawahi):

  1. They are jogging.
  2. She was sitting.
  3. We were waiting for hours.
  4. Is she sleeping?
  5. He didn't know the answer.
  6. We have gone a long way.
  7. Has she received any of my letters?
  8. Do you smoke?
  9. Will she help?

Compound Verbs

A compound verb = auxiliary verb + main verb.

For example: was playing, has eaten, doesn't want.

She will fall.

Illustration: Really Learn English
"Will fall" adalah sebuah compound verb.
Example sentences:
  1. They were discussing their future.
  2. He didn't tell us the truth.
  3. I have finished my homework.
  4. She will meet us there.
Itulah pembelajaran singkat tentang perbedaan dari main verbs, auxiliary verb, dan compound verbs.
Semoga bermanfaat untuk temen-temen 😁

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