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Materi Bahasa Inggris Wajib Kelas X: Congratulations Lengkap!

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 Expression of Congratulations

Illustration: Depositphotos

Cultural congratulations between English speaking country and Indonesia

Expressing congratulation is universal, although it might differ from culture to culture. When one hears about someone's good news, good luck or achievements, he or she congratulates them. Expressing congratulations in English speaking countries is rather similar to how we express it in our country, although they might be more expressive. For example, while we mostly express congratulations on phone calls, or through text about the language on our mobile phones, people in English often go to length to congratulatory cards or letters. The recipient will reply in kind.  

However the way Indonesia people respond to congratulations is somewhat different Indonesian people tend to refuse the gesture. For example, when Indonesian is congratulated for their victory in a competition, they might respond by saying, "No. It is just a small-scale competition." Responding is considered polite because agreeing to the other person might be considered bragging. May people in English speaking countries also respond to congratulations by refusing it, but they mostly do it by expressing thanks. They do so to appreciate the other people sincerity in congratulating them. Congratulating other people for their success can keep a good relation with them. They will feel that we care about them. By congratulating someone, we are telling them that we are pleased to hear about them good luck or achievement. 

Jadi di negara yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasanya, congratulations atau ucapan selamat itu biasanya benar-benar penting, bahkan sampai dibuat dalam bentuk kartu ucapan ataupun surat. akan tetapi di negara Indonesia, masyarakatnya lebih menggunakan pesan teks ataupun menelepon langsung.

Dalam hal merespon ucapan selamat, orang Indonensia terkesan menolak. Sebagai contoh, saat seseorang mengucapkan selamat atas kemenangan dalam sebuah kompetisi, biasanya mereka menjawab, "Nggak. Itu hanya kompetisi kecil." Sedangkan dinegara-negara yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris, mereka juga menolak, tetapi mereka melakukannya dengan balasan ucapan terima kasih. Mereka menghargai kebaikan atas ucapan selamat yg mereka dapatkan, karena itu tanda bahwa mereka begitu perhatiannya.

Kapan Congratulations biasanya digunakan???

  • Passes an exam (Melaksaakan ujian/tes).
  • Wins a race or contest (Memenangkan balapan atau kontes).
  • Graduates from school (Lulus sekolah).
  • Gets a new job (Mendapatkan pekerjaan).
  • Gets a job promotions. (Dipromosikan dalam pekerjaan/naik pangkat).
  • Gets engagement. (Mendapatkan lamaran).
  • Gets married. (Menikah).
  • Has a new baby. (Melahirkan seorang bayi).
  • Wins an election (Memenangkan pemilihan).

Fungsi sosial penggunaan congratulations.

  • To develop interaction and communication with others. (Mempererat silaturahmi).
  • To express our happiness or positive feeling about your success, and it also to maintain good relationships among friends, classmates, fellow workers, colleagues. (Mengungkapkan kebahagiaan kita terhadap kesuksesan orag lain, dan juga untuk menjaga hubungan baik sesama teman).
  • To respond to someone's achievement or success.  (Menjawab keberhasilan atau kesuksesan seseorang)

Structure of Congratulations.

Saat kita memberikan ucapan selamat, kita biasanya memberikan lebih dari satu kalimat. Mari kita cek ucapan berikut:

Congratulation!  You are great.
(congratulating)    (extension)

Extension bisa mengartikan sebuah pelengkap dalam sebuah kalimat congratulations. Kita bisa mendapatkan kseimpulan bahwa struktur dari congratulating someone adalah:

  • Giving congratulations.
  • Thanking.

Language Feature of Giving Congratulation.

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh expressions of congratulations dan responses.

Congratulating Expressions

Responses for Congratulating


I'm very happy of you!

That's wonderful!

Good for you!

Best of luck!

Well done!

Fantastic job!

You must be very happy with your achievement.

I'd like to congratulate you on your accomplishment!

Please accept my warmest congratulation

I must congratulate you on your success!

Happy Birthday

Happy New Year

Happy Eid Mubarak

Happy Anniversary

Let me congratulate you

I would be the first to congratulate you on...

I would like to congratulate you on

Please accept my warmest congratulations.

May I congratulate you.

It was great to hear about...

Well done!

It's very good of you to say so

Thank you, I can't forget your help to me

How nice of you to say so

Thank you very much for saying so

I'm glad you think so

Oh, actually it's nothing special

Oh, I have a lot to learn yet

Oh, not really

Oh, nothing to it, actually

Oh thanks'

In congratulating, people may make more than one move, for example, “Congratulations! You deserved it, Man.” Similarly, in responding to congratulating expressions, people do not only make one move, like, “Thank you very much.” Usually they also say something else, such as, “This is because you’re always with me.” Those expressions are called as extended congratulations/ responses to congratulations (pujian bersayap).

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